Hi Connor, this is Daddy. :)
You are two years old today. I am not sure it is possible to tell you how I feel about you, but I am going to try.
There is nothing in this world to me that is more important and more special than you. You and Ann are my entire life. I know for sure that I would do anything for you to protect you and help you grow up to be the wonderful happy person I know you can be. Thank you for coming into my life.
You have given us a few scares in your two years. You were born early, so the first month you were alive, you were in the hospital. Also, recently, we got very worried because you seemed to be talking less than before. But, you seem to be very resilient, and have started to pick those words back up again. Never lose your drive, and never let anyone or anything determine who you are. You can be whoever you want to be. Well, perhaps we won't be signing with the NBA just yet, but there are plenty of opportunities for you. I promise that we will do whatever we can to take care of you, no matter what happens.
Today, Mama and Daddy are both taking off work, so we can spend the whole day with you and have lots of fun. I think the Extreme Fun Center is in your future today, and perhaps another surprise later as well!
I love you so much, my sweet baby, that it hurts sometimes. Have a wonderful birthday.