Monday, August 31, 2009

Coming Home!

On August 20, Connor was released from the hospital. But first, I had to take off work (I had already gone back), and we ran some errands. We cleaned the house, we bought some supplies, and got ready to take him home.

In the NICU, though, it is not just a matter of taking a baby home. First, you watch a baby CPR video, then you watch a video entitled "Don't Shake the Baby". The CPR video is useful, although it would have been nice to have the practice doll they kept showing. The "don't shake the baby" is an 80's videotape, and 30 minutes of viewing pleasure that I can sum up pretty easily Don't shake your baby! I did learn that men are more likely to shake their baby's than women, although when Connor cries I think it is so cute that I don't see how anyone could get angry enough to do that.

We finally took him home, and the feeling is a mix of joy and nervousness. We were excited to have him home, but we realized the safety net was now gone. In the NICU, the nurses are there to help you out. I don't think we slept at all the first day, and I personally went to Baby's R Us, Wal-Mart and Target several times each, buying stuff, returning stuff, and buying stuff again.

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