Thursday, August 6, 2009


For the next portion of Connor's young life....
Connor was with us for 4 days in the room with us at the hospital. During this time, we prepared to take him home, as we were told that what what we needed to do. We had the car seat study done, we filled out the birth certificate. I called around and found out how to get the car seat base in my car. We called the pediatrician for a Thursday vist. We bought some clothes and diapers for home. We borrowed a crib mattress. None of that mattered, because we were so
happy to have a wonderful little baby boy coming home with us.

But, 2 days turned into 3 and they told us to stay a little longer. 3 days turned into 4 and they told us to stay a little longer "just in case".

After 4 days of being in the room with us, Connor's temperature dropped below 74 degrees in 24 hours. The pediatrician came in looking very concerned and told us that this meant that Connor had to go to the ICU automatically.

The week went from being the best week of our lives to being one of the scariest.
After being in the room with us for 4 days, in which we all fell deeply in love with him, he was taken to the ICU. Connor was wheeled into his crib and put into an incubator in the ICU. After being in there for a short period of time, they noticed his Oxygen saturation was too low as well.

Connor was then put onto oxygen with a nasal canula within a few hours of being taken into the ICU. Those next few days were some of the most difficult days Ann and I have ever been through.

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